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what are we

We are a cooperation network moving towards a reality more aligned with a collaborative economy and an ecosystem that drives collective transformation.

A non-fixed structure that manifests where energy flows and in the collective breath of life.

who are we

We are project enhancers .

Co-creators and designers of experiences who seek to awaken to regeneration and the construction of a sustainable and collaborative world. Facilitators of encounters and connections with oulselves and others.

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Manuela Fonseca

Dreamer, enthusiast of a fairer world where diversity and nature are respected.

She has a degree in Social Communication - Public Relations (UFRGS) and a Specialisation in Design for Sustainability from Gaia Education and UNIFAL - MG. She is also a Fellow of Social Good Brasil and a Dragon Dreaming Trainer.

With solid experience in project management, community management and engagement, organization of events and social projects for large organizations in Brazil, today she is Community Manager at Diversidade SA - the first business learning community in Diversity and Inclusion in Latin America and coordinates at Din4moI the Monitoring Evaluation Learning area of RegeneraRS - a philanthropic fund aimed at rebuilding the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

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Gabriel Figueiró

Graduated in Social Communication - Public Relations and Permaculture apprentice, he carries with him the hope of transforming the world into a fairer and more sustainable place, trying to find solutions to social, environmental issues or to people's deep conflicts.


He worked in institutions such as the Santa Casa de Misericórdia of Porto Alegre and the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul. Researching processes of learning, collaboration and social engagement through collaborative experiences in communities, ecovillages and socio-environmental projects around the world. Gabriel integrates communication strategies with facilitation tools to mediate individual and collective tensions and enhance projects with a positive impact.

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Maria Guadalupe

Remembering nature through the lenses of Buen Vivir, Permaculture and Deep Ecology. Lover of life and everything that comes with it. Enthusiastic about the natural world, she graduated in Physics - Astronomy and Astrophysics, and continues to learn from Nature, finding tools and inspiration for her journey.

In a search for a reality where community life is rescued, the voice of natural beings considered in common policies and the pleasures of being alive are central, she actively works to facilitate learning communities through Eco-Social Regeneration. She facilitates semi-permanent learning communities with children and teenagers, and continues to hold various temporary experiences for young people and adults. Her facilitation includes tools such as Sociocracy, Permaculture, Dragon Dreaming and Project-based Learning, Experiences and Play. In her free time, she can be found among books, notebooks and brushes, or surrounded by inspiring people.



Regenerative cultures



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We work through building and managing communities .
We design experiences and projects with social impact .

We connect, facilitate and develop socio-environmental projects in partnership with organizations.
We design events , trainings , and experiences and build a conscious communication strategy for projects with impact.

we manifest

We place ourselves in the world through cooperative dynamics and methodologies, aligned with the natural processes of life cycles.


We structure sustainable ecosystems with a network of people and organizations aligned with the vallues of share, network entrepreneurship and collaborative economy.


We design experiences and events with purpose , based on our own and ritualized methodology in the co-creation process.

We co-create businesses that seek: collective transformation , through collaborative relationship dynamics; personal development; promoting social impact to the ecosystem in which they are inserted.

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